تطلق إسلاميكوين مسابقة عيد الأضحى المبارك عبر البلوكتشين من خلال إسلاميوليت. الشروط والأحكام:.
18 Jun 2023, 08:15
تطلق إسلاميكوين مسابقة عيد الأضحى المبارك عبر البلوكتشين من خلال إسلاميوليت.
الشروط والأحكام:
المشاركة في مسابقة إسلاميكوين لعيد الاضحى المبارك تعني الموافقة حكماً على جميع الأحكام والشروط التالية:
1- يحق لأيٍ كان المشاركة في المسابقة من خلال تطبيق إسلاميوليت بعد تحديثه.
2- لا يشترط امتلاك إسلاميكوين أو أي عملات رقمية للمشاركة.
3- مدة المسابقة ثلاثة ايام فقط 28/29/30- 6 2023
4- كل يوم من أيام العيد الثلاث يحصل المشترك على عشرة اسئلة من خلال التطبيق وعليه إختيار الإجابة من بين ثلاث إجابات.
5- بعد الإجابة على الأسئلة يجب الضغط على تأكيد الإجابات Submit وإلا لا تحتسب أي إجابة.
6- عند تجاوز المدة المحددة للإجابة على كل سؤال وهي 10 ثواني، يخسر المشترك إمكانية الإجابة وينتقل للسؤال التالي أتوماتيكيًا.
7- يحق للمشترك الإجابة على الأسئلة العشر مرة واحدة يومياً، وفي حال عدم الإجابة لا يمكن العودة إلى الأسئلة.
8- أي محاولة لإعادة استحضار الاسئلة أو حذف التطبيق وإعادة تحميله للحصول على أسئلة اليوم التالي سيعتبرها نظام البرمجة مخالفة للشروط وسيخرج المحفظة المشاركة خارج المسابقة.
9- تحتسب الإجابات الصحيحة بواقع نقطة لكل جواب صحيح.
10- مجموع النقاط يحتسب أتوماتيكيًا، ويمكن متابعته عبر البلوكتشين.
11- في حال فوز أكثر من شخص واحد بنفس المرتبة، تقسم الجائزة المخصصة بين الفائزين بالتساوي.
12- كل متسابق يحصل على أسئلة يرسلها البرنامج عشوائيًا، ولا تتشابه بالضرورة مع أسئلة المشاركين الأخرين.
13- توزع الجوائز مساء يوم 1/7/2023
14- تدفع الجوائز حصريًا بعملة iGold إلى عناوين المحافظ الفائزة حصراً ولا يمكن دفعها نقدًا أو تحويلها إلى محفظة أخرى.
15- يمكن للفائز أن يبيع ما يحصل عليه من iGold فوراً من خلال إسلاميوليت أو الاحتفاظ به وفق شروط التداول الخاصة بآيغولد
16-لا تتحمل إسلاميكوين أي مسؤولية لفقدان أي مشارك رمز محفظته أو أرقامها السرية.
17- أسئلة المسابقة تتعلق بمعلومات حول إسلاميكوين ومشاريعها والثقافة الإسلامية والثقافة العامة.
18- جوائز المسابقة:
الجائزة الاولى.......... 100 iGold قيمتها حوالي 630$
الجائزة الثانية......... 80 iGold قيمتها حوالي 500$
الجائزة الثالثة......... 60 iGold قيمتها حوالي 375$
تقدم المسابقة هدية تشجيعية لعشرة مشتركين شاركوا بالمسابقة على مدى الأيام الثلاث، يتم اختيار محافظهم بالقرعة الأوتوماتيكية ليفوز كل منهم ب 5 iGold
ملاحظة: 1 آيغولد= 0،1 غرام ذهب = 6،3 $ تقريباً
Same news in other sources
18 Jun 2023, 08:16
ISLAMICOIN announces the launch of the blessed Eid Al-Adha competition on blockchain through ISLAMIwallet.
Terms and conditions:
Participating in the ISLAMICOIN Eid Al-Adha competition implies agreeing to the following terms and conditions:
1-Anyone is eligible to participate in the competition through the updated ISLAMIwallet application.
2- Ownership of ISLAMICOIN or any digital currency is not required to participate.
3- The competition will run for three days only: 28/29/30 - 6 - 2023.
4- Each participant will receive ten questions daily through the application during the three days of Eid, and they must choose the answer from three options.
5- After answering the questions, participants must press the "submit" button to confirm their answers; otherwise, the answer will not be counted.
6- If the allocated time of 10 seconds for each question is exceeded, participants will lose the opportunity to answer and will proceed to the next question automatically.
7- Participants can only answer the ten questions once per day, and if they do not answer they cannot go back to previous questions.
8- Any attempt to retrieve or delete the application and reload it to access the questions of the following day will be considered a violation of the terms, resulting in disqualification from the competition.
9- Correct answers will earn one point each.
10- The total points will be calculated automatically and can be tracked through the blockchain.
11- In the event of multiple winners in the same rank, the designated prize will be divided equally among them.
12- Each participant will receive randomly generated questions, which may differ from those of other participants.
13- The prizes will be distributed on the evening of 1/7/2023.
14- The prizes will be exclusively paid in iGold currency to the addresses of the winning wallets and cannot be paid in cash or transferred to another wallet.
15- Winners have the option to sell the awarded iGold immediately through ISLAMIwallet or retain it according to iGold's trading terms.
16- ISLAMICOIN is not responsible for any loss of wallet access or secret codes.
17- The competition questions will cover information about ISLAMICOIN, its projects, Islamic culture, and general knowledge.
18- Competition prizes:
1st Prize: 100 iGold, valued at approximately $630.
2nd Prize: 80 iGold, valued at approximately $500.
3rd Prize: 60 iGold, valued at approximately $375.
As an incentive, the competition will also award ten participants who participate throughout the three days, their wallets will be selected through an automatic draw, and each of them will win 5 iGold.
Note: 1 iGold = 0.1 grams of gold = $6.3 approximately
ISLAMICOIN announces the launch of the blessed Eid Al-Adha competition on blockchain through ISLAMIwallet.
ISLAMICOIN announces the launch of the blessed Eid Al-Adha competition on blockchain through ISLAMIwallet.
Terms and conditions:
Participating in the ISLAMICOIN Eid Al-Adha competition implies agreeing to the following terms and conditions:
1-Anyone is eligible to participate in the competition through the updated ISLAMIwallet application.
2- Ownership of ISLAMICOIN or any digital currency is not required to participate.
3- The competition will run for three days only: 28/29/30 - 6 - 2023.
4- Each participant will receive ten questions daily through the application during the three days of Eid, and they must choose the answer from three options.
5- After answering the questions, participants must press the "submit" button to confirm their answers; otherwise, the answer will not be counted.
6- If the allocated time of 10 seconds for each question is exceeded, participants will lose the opportunity to answer and will proceed to the next question automatically.
7- Participants can only answer the ten questions once per day, and if they do not answer they cannot go back to previous questions.
8- Any attempt to retrieve or delete the application and reload it to access the questions of the following day will be considered a violation of the terms, resulting in disqualification from the competition.
9- Correct answers will earn one point each.
10- The total points will be calculated automatically and can be tracked through the blockchain.
11- In the event of multiple winners in the same rank, the designated prize will be divided equally among them.
12- Each participant will receive randomly generated questions, which may differ from those of other participants.
13- The prizes will be distributed on the evening of 1/7/2023.
14- The prizes will be exclusively paid in iGold currency to the addresses of the winning wallets and cannot be paid in cash or transferred to another wallet.
15- Winners have the option to sell the awarded iGold immediately through ISLAMIwallet or retain it according to iGold's trading terms.
16- ISLAMICOIN is not responsible for any loss of wallet access or secret codes.
17- The competition questions will cover information about ISLAMICOIN, its projects, Islamic culture, and general knowledge.
18- Competition prizes:
1st Prize: 100 iGold, valued at approximately $630.
2nd Prize: 80 iGold, valued at approximately $500.
3rd Prize: 60 iGold, valued at approximately $375.
As an incentive, the competition will also award ten participants who participate throughout the three days, their wallets will be selected through an automatic draw, and each of them will win 5 iGold.
Note: 1 iGold = 0.1 grams of gold = $6.3 approximately