مجتمع إسلاميكوين الكريم. السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته.
31 Jan 2023, 14:59
مجتمع إسلاميكوين الكريم
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
ضمن سياسة الشفافية التي نعتمدها، ننشر لكم تقرير التدقيق الشرعي الفصلي الخاص بمشروع ISLAMICOIN
للفترة من سبتمبر م2022 إلى يناير 2023م الذي أصدره مكتب كريبتو حلال للرقابة والتدقيق الشرعي.
شكراً لكم
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#ISLAMICOIN #ISLAMedia #ISLAMIwallet #ISLAMIBLOCKCHAIN #CryptoHalal #HalalCrypto #cryptocurrency #cryptomarket #cryptotrading #halal
Same news in other sources
31 Jan 2023, 15:00
Dear ISLAMICOIN community,
Assalam Alaykum,
Based on our transparency policy we publish the Quarterly Sharia Audit Report of (ISLAMICOIN) Project, for the period from September 2022 to January 2023, audited and published by CryptoHalal office for Sharia Supervision and Auditing, translated to English.
Quarterly Sharia Audit Report of (ISLAMICOIN) Project
For the period from September 2022 to January 2023
Brothers managers and investors of ISLAMICOIN project.
Peace, mercy and blessings of God be upon you.
Your brothers in the Crypto-Halal Office for Sharia Supervision and Auditing are pleased to send their sincere greetings, wishing success for ISLAMICOIN project, as it represents a civilized project for our societies
We are also pleased to present to all the shareholders and investors of the currency the third Sharia audit report on ISLAMICOIN project and its related projects.
First, on the financial level.
No additional listings were done during this phase, but the SWAP service was added to ISLAMIwallet, by linking with the pool that was established in the Dodo platform, subject to legal auditing since its inception.
Other than that, the Sharia audit work did not find any violations on the financial level.
Secondly, on the level of projects.
On the project side, the programming team started to create ISLAMIBLOCKCHAIN, the testing process was initiated, and the project is being followed up to address any legal problems if present.
Third, in terms of services.
This quarter was marked by the launch of two new services in ISLAMIwallet.
1 - P2P ISLAMI: It is a service that provides buying and selling of ISLAMI currency for USDC, directly between individuals by providing a page inside ISLAMIwallet application, displaying selling orders and buying orders, for a one-time fee of 1000 ISLAMI.
Work is in progress to add other currency pairs, insha’Allah.
The project was monitored since the beginning of the planning, to the implementation, and launch.
The service came out in compliance with Islamic Sharia rules, and Sharia Standard No. (1) (concerning cryptocurrency trading) of the standards of the Accounting and Auditing Organization
For Islamic Financial Institutions (AAOIFI).
2- A service to check the legality of currencies from CryptoHalal has been added to ISLAMIwallet, with a deduction of 15% from the subscription fee, and payment is possible only by ISLAMI currency. This service is not related to anything concerning Sharia auditing.
In conclusion, the CryptoHalal office for the supervision and legal auditing of the cryptocurrency markets, announces that the quarterly Sharia audit report for the period from September 2022 to January 2023 for ISLAMICOIN project resulted in the compliance of ISLAMICOIN with all Sharia rules and requirements that were demanded, and that his projects until the date of issuing this report were free from any legal violation.
#ISLAMICOIN #ISLAMedia #ISLAMIwallet #ISLAMIBLOCKCHAIN #CryptoHalal #HalalCrypto #cryptocurrency #cryptomarket #cryptotrading #halal
Dear ISLAMICOIN community,. Assalam Alaykum,.
Dear ISLAMICOIN community,
Assalam Alaykum,
Based on our transparency policy we publish the Quarterly Sharia Audit Report of (ISLAMICOIN) Project, for the period from September 2022 to January 2023, audited and published by CryptoHalal office for Sharia Supervision and Auditing, translated to English.
Quarterly Sharia Audit Report of (ISLAMICOIN) Project
For the period from September 2022 to January 2023
Brothers managers and investors of ISLAMICOIN project.
Peace, mercy and blessings of God be upon you.
Your brothers in the Crypto-Halal Office for Sharia Supervision and Auditing are pleased to send their sincere greetings, wishing success for ISLAMICOIN project, as it represents a civilized project for our societies
We are also pleased to present to all the shareholders and investors of the currency the third Sharia audit report on ISLAMICOIN project and its related projects.
First, on the financial level.
No additional listings were done during this phase, but the SWAP service was added to ISLAMIwallet, by linking with the pool that was established in the Dodo platform, subject to legal auditing since its inception.
Other than that, the Sharia audit work did not find any violations on the financial level.
Secondly, on the level of projects.
On the project side, the programming team started to create ISLAMIBLOCKCHAIN, the testing process was initiated, and the project is being followed up to address any legal problems if present.
Third, in terms of services.
This quarter was marked by the launch of two new services in ISLAMIwallet.
1 - P2P ISLAMI: It is a service that provides buying and selling of ISLAMI currency for USDC, directly between individuals by providing a page inside ISLAMIwallet application, displaying selling orders and buying orders, for a one-time fee of 1000 ISLAMI.
Work is in progress to add other currency pairs, insha’Allah.
The project was monitored since the beginning of the planning, to the implementation, and launch.
The service came out in compliance with Islamic Sharia rules, and Sharia Standard No. (1) (concerning cryptocurrency trading) of the standards of the Accounting and Auditing Organization
For Islamic Financial Institutions (AAOIFI).
2- A service to check the legality of currencies from CryptoHalal has been added to ISLAMIwallet, with a deduction of 15% from the subscription fee, and payment is possible only by ISLAMI currency. This service is not related to anything concerning Sharia auditing.
In conclusion, the CryptoHalal office for the supervision and legal auditing of the cryptocurrency markets, announces that the quarterly Sharia audit report for the period from September 2022 to January 2023 for ISLAMICOIN project resulted in the compliance of ISLAMICOIN with all Sharia rules and requirements that were demanded, and that his projects until the date of issuing this report were free from any legal violation.
#ISLAMICOIN #ISLAMedia #ISLAMIwallet #ISLAMIBLOCKCHAIN #CryptoHalal #HalalCrypto #cryptocurrency #cryptomarket #cryptotrading #halal